Here you'll find contributions and information about all aspects of sustainability. It has many facets which can be addressed and supported in many different ways. We at K+S, actively support sustainability in many different ways too.
Sustainability News
Product Carbon Footprint
We want to become a pioneer for green potash and salt production in Germany. Our calculation methodology, which has been subjected to a critical review, enables us to aggregate individual product carbon footprints (PCFs) at main group level. PCFs provide valuable information on levers for avoiding CO₂ emissions. Furthermore, we can check whether we are on track to achieve greenhouse gas neutrality by 2045.
Water Makes Life Possible: Our Contribution to Earth Day
The theme of this year's German Earth Day is "Water makes life possible". Humans, flora, and fauna are dependent on the quality and availability of water. Water protection is, therefore, essential for everyone. It also fulfills other functions such as flood protection, groundwater recharge, and microclimate regulation. Water protection is a high priority for K+S. We, therefore, support various projects in this area.
Our path to climate neutrality
K+S wants to stop emitting carbon dioxide by 2045 and thus achieve climate neutrality. We are making even faster progress on this ambitious plan than originally planned: instead of reducing our emissions by 10 % by 2030 compared to 2020, we now expect to be able to achieve a reduction of 25 % over the same period.
Strengthening Sustainability & Social Responsibility
EcoVadis silver recognition level for K+S
Again, EcoVadis has assessed the performance of K+S in 21 themes, divided into four subject areas. In all categories relating to sustainability and corporate social responsibility (CSR) the results of our company are above the industry benchmark and thus, once again receives the silver status recognition.
Our contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda are 17 global goals for sustainable development. They are aimed not only at governments worldwide, but also at civil society, the private sector and academia. Everyone is called upon to draw attention to the SDGs and contribute to the fulfillment of the goals. K+S also makes a direct contribution to some SDGs and thus contributes to the fulfillment of the goals.
K+S is nominated for the German Sustainability Award 2024
The German Sustainability Award recognizes companies that are considered pioneers of transformation in their industry. It is awarded by the Stiftung Deutscher Nachhaltigkeitspreis e.V. in close cooperation with the German Federal Ministry for the Environment and the German Chamber of Commerce and Industry DIHK.
Site Neuhof-Ellers certified according to DIN ISO 14001
On June 12, 2023, the ISO 14001 certificate was received at Neuhof-Ellers. The Neuhof-Ellers plant thus received the official certificate for its environmental management system. The plant is thus committed to environmental protection and sustainable management in accordance with the climate targets set by K+S.
EcoVadis Silver Medal
K+S Minerals and Agriculture GmbH has been awarded again with the silver recognition level
EcoVadis has assessed the performance of K+S Minerals and Agriculture GmbH in 21 themes, divided into four subject areas. In all categories relating to sustainability and corporate social responsibility (CSR) the results of our company are above the industry benchmark and thus, once again receives the silver status recognition.
econsense – Forum for Sustainable Development of German Business e.V.
K+S joins the econsense sustainability network
econsense is a network of internationally operating companies with a common goal: They want to actively shape the change to a more sustainable economy and society.