SMETA audit at K+S site Zielitz
SMETA (Sedex Members Ethical Trade Audit) is a comprehensive audit that helps companies understand and improve standards in labor, health and safety, environmental performance, and ethics. It primarily evaluates ethical principles and social responsibility, focusing on working conditions, occupational safety, hygiene, and environmental management.
After various K+S sites had already been audited according to SMETA guidelines, the Zielitz site was also closely examined last year. The audit is conducted to ensure the highest standards are maintained. Two positive examples were particularly highlighted for the Zielitz site: the excellent first aid facilities (occupational safety) and the presence of relevant certifications concerning labor rights, human rights, environmental impacts, and corruption. This underscores K+S's continuous commitment to safe and fair working conditions, environmental protection, and adherence to ethical standards.

SMETA is an audit format by Sedex, a globally recognized platform that helps companies share information about ethically sustainable production in the supply chain. The platform enables members to manage their suppliers and reduce risks through information exchange.