2023 Annual General Meeting
Invitation to the virtual Annual General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting 2023 of K+S Aktiengesellschaft took place on May 10, 2023, as a virtual Annual General Meeting and without the physical presence of the shareholders or their proxies (with the exception of the proxies appointed by the Company) at the venue of the Annual General Meeting.
Online Service

You can register for the virtual Annual General Meeting in the Online Service. You have the option of joining the virtual Annual General Meeting and therefore participating in the Annual General Meeting by video and audio transmission, voting by postal vote, issuing proxies/instructions, exercising your right to speak and to receive information by video communication, submitting comments in advance equivalent to a speech at the Annual General Meeting, and declaring objections to resolutions of the Annual General Meeting for the record of the notary public.
Accompanying materials for the 2023 AGM
Further Information on the 2023 AGM
The 2023 Annual General Meeting in pictures

2023 Annual General Meeting
On the podium at the virtual Annual General Meeting of K+S: Board member Dr. Carin-Martina Tröltzsch, Board member Dr. Christian H. Meyer, Chairman of the Board of Executive Directors Dr. Burkhard Lohr, Chairman of the Supervisory Board Dr. Andreas Kreimeyer and Dr. Jens Christian Keuthen (from left to right).
2023 Annual General Meeting
Member of the Board of Executive Directors Dr. Christian H. Meyer, Member of the Board of Executive Directors Dr. Carin-Martina Tröltzsch and Chairman of the Board of Executive Directors Dr. Burkhard Lohr at the virtual Annual General Meeting 2023
2023 Annual General Meeting
Dr. Burkhard Lohr, Chairman of the Board of Management (left), and Dr. Andreas Kreimeyer, Chairman of the Supervisory Board (right) at the virtual Annual General Meeting 2023
Total number of shares and voting rights at the time of convocation
At the time of convening, the Company's share capital was divided into 191,400,000 registered shares with the same number of voting rights.
Archive of the 2013-2023 Annual General Meeting