In our field trials, we investigate how efficient fertilizer management can ensure good yields and the best qualities. We keep a close eye on climate change, soil fertility, and the efficient use of resources, and are working with scientists around the world on solutions for future agriculture.
For more than 100 years, K+S has been involved in agricultural research, always looking for solutions to agronomical challenges of the future. The focus is set on new findings on balanced fertilization, particularly with respect to global challenges such as a growing world population and the effects of climate change such as increasing drougth stress. In doing so, we keep a careful eye on maintaining soil fertility and resource efficiency.
Around the globe, we collaborate with universities and renowned research institutions to address current issues in plant nutrition. Capacities and expertise from various partners are pooled to provide global answers to complex questions. In this way, we can also gain new insights in basic research.
On the basis of these scientific findings, we conduct field trials in the world's most important agricultural growing regions. In this way, we develop fertilizer recommendations that have proven their worth in practice. After all, the optimal use of fertilizers is crucial for the yield and quality of agricultural products - and consequently also for the economic success of farmers. Depending on the location, crop type and cultivation system, many specific factors must be considered.
The results of these research activities are transferred to agricultural practice via our advisory service and our agricultural communications. All information is pooled particularly for farmers, advisors and distributors in KALI Academy - the knowledge platform of K+S on plant nutrition. Get yourself informed - either online, in detail in our brochures or interactively in our webinars - benefit from our gathered knowledge for your success!
The Institute of Applied Plant Nutrition - IAPN
In cooperation with the Georg-August University of Göttingen, K+S operates the Institute of Applied Plant Nutrition (IAPN). Our aim is to strengthen basic and application-oriented research in the field of plant nutrition and fertilization. As an interface between science and practice, the IAPN addresses current issues, pools existing knowledge, and shares new findings with agricultural practice.

Learn more about our research institute
At the IAPN, the focus of research is on the question of what contributions intelligent fertilizer management can make to coping with global challenges such as the growing world population, changing eating habits, and climate change. For this purpose, scientists at the IAPN develop specific solutions and K+S incorporates them into its advisory services.
Do you have any questions on our research topics?
Contact our central agronomic advice for any questions on research and nutrient management.