Product information
SoluNOP is an immediately effective fertigation fertilizer with potassium and nitrogen.
- Fertigation fertilizer with potassium and nitrogen.
- For chloride and sodium sensitive crops.
- Particularly suitable for fruit and vegetable crops.
- Highly concentrated.
- Completely soluble in water and immediately available to plants.
- Improves tolerance to drought stress.
- Increases uptake efficiency of other nutrients.
- Meets peak needs at all growth stages, especially from mid-vegetative phase into generative phase.
- Can be used as a foliar fertilizer and in fertigation systems.
- Miscible with most crop protection products and other fertilizers.
- Due to good potassium-nitrate ratio (approx. 3:1) especially for intensive vegetative and generative phases.
- Increases fruit size and protein content.
- Not all packaging sizes are available in each country.
NO3-N, total nitrogen
K2O, water-soluble potassium oxide