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Financial Publications

Reports & other relevant financial information

We have summarized our current and archived annual and quarterly reports as well as additional information for you.


Financial publications 2024

In the following you can download quarterly reports and additional information from the financial year 2024.

Q1/2024 Quarterly Report

Additional information

Financial Publications 2023

In the following you can download quarterly reports and additional information from the financial year 2023. 

2023 Annual Report
Q3/2023 Quarterly Report
H1/2023 Half-Year Financial Report
Q1/2023 Quarterly Report

Financial publications 2022

In the following you can download quarterly reports and additional information from the financial year 2022.

2022 Annual Report
Q3/2022 Quarterly Report
Half-Year Financial Report H1/2022
Quarterly Report Q1/2022

Financial publications 2021

In the following you can download the half-year financial report as well as quarterly reports and additional information from the financial year 2021.

Annual Report 2021
Quarterly Report Q3/2021
Half-Year Financial Report H1/2021
Quarterly Report Q1/2021

Financial publications 2020

In the following you can download the half-year financial report as well as quarterly reports and additional information from the financial year 2020.

Annual Report 2020
Quarterly Report Q3/2020
Half-Year Financial Report H1/2020
Quarterly Report Q1/2020

Contact us if you have any questions

Julia Bock
Head of Investor Relations
Nathalie Frost
Senior Investor Relations Manager
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