Work and life
At K+S, you can expect exciting tasks in different areas – and a top employer who offers you good long-term perspectives. As a local mining company, we look back at a great tradition, but are focused on the future too. We trust in people like you: motivated employees who would like to change something in cooperation with us.
We are always looking for

- Plant mechanics
- Mining technologists
- Chemical workers
- Electronic technicians for operating technology
- Industrial mechanics
- Automotive mechanical-electronic engineers
- Operating engineers
- Computer scientists
- Agronomists
- Legal scholars
- Sales and marketing
- Production employees
Your benefits
We offer our employees an attractive workplace and create the conditions that you need to feel comfortable. It is important for us that our employees’ professional development and personal life plans are compatible with one another. Work-life balance, social responsibility, and appealing services are therefore important components of our HR policy.
In addition to their wages or salary, our employees benefit from a whole series of services. They range from retirement benefits to vacation entitlement, which is ten days more than the federal minimum leave, all the way to annual bonuses and vacation pay. Our operational healthcare management is very comprehensive, and we place great value on occupational safety.
We encourage work-life balance

At K+S, we believe in and strongly encourage a work-life balance for all of our employees. We are a family-friendly organization. We offer a flexible work schedule, including part-time schedules, and family leave.
Compatibility of professional and family life
Our working hour models are very flexible for balancing family and career, while at the same time being aligned towards the requirements of our production processes. Alongside individualized part-time working models, we also support our employees at our German sites with family-friendly activities, such as additional periods of leave for cases where nursing care is urgently needed or by offering advisory services to relatives in need of support.
Health management

We place a strong emphasis on preserving and improving the health and performance capability of our employees. That is why we encourage our employees to act in a health-conscious manner and arrange workplaces and organizational procedures in a health-related and age-appropriate manner as much as possible. Our program designed to promote health focuses on individual requirements, operational situations and country- specific circumstances and laws. It focuses on prevention and advice, the promotion of individual health and measures tailored to specific workplaces.
Occupational safety is our number one concern

Our goal is to protect our employees against work-related dangers. All our companies have therefore established occupational safety programs which take into account local legislation and site-specific challenges. We review the effectiveness of our occupational safety measures by means of internal audits. At the same time, however, every employee bears responsibility for their own safety – and that of their colleagues – during their work and within their working environment.